Plymouth Secondary Strategy Professional Learning Networks

Working together to improve outcomes for young people across the city.


Plymouth’s nineteen secondary schools are working together to improve outcomes for their young people across the city. Working with key partners such as the Teaching School Council, the Education Endowment Fund, Ambitions Leadership, the Local Authority and others, secondary Headteachers and their leadership teams have chosen to take a collaborative and sustainable approach to ensure rapid school improvement. Read More

At the heart of a self-improving school system is school-to-school collaboration. The Plymouth Secondary Strategy Portal provides a single collaborative citywide platform for secondary schools across Plymouth. From here you can access System-led CPD, System Leader Support, Citywide Professional Learning Communities, News, Research and Resources.

Why Join?

This is a collaborative community and safe space for you to find and connect with educators and  leaders across Plymouth.

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We will only approve user registrations for members of Plymouth Secondary Strategy schools and partner organisations, (you must use the email address you have been assigned by your organisation/school - not a personal email address). If you have an enquiry regarding account registration please contact support.